We are located just 20 minutes east of downtown Athens.
Directions from Atlanta on 316:
On 316, in Athens take Outer Loop 10/29N towards Danielsville
Stay straight until you pass Athens Tech
At the light past Athens Tech (Burger King and McDonald’s are on the corner) take a right onto 72E
On 72E take a right at the red light in Colbert, GA onto 4th St (First Citizens Bank is on the corner)
Take a left onto 8th St
At the 4 way stop take a right
The office is located in first barn on the right. You will pull into the circular driveway.
From downtown Athens:
From downtown, take North Ave
Proceed over GA Loop 10 and stay in the right lane for about a mile
Turn right onto Hull Rd, this turns into 72E
On 72E take a right at the red light in Colbert onto 4th St (First Citizens Bank is on the corner)
Take a left onto 8th St
At the 4 way stop take a right
The office is located in the barn on the right. You will pull into the circular driveway.
*Please note that GPS systems do not always give the best directions*